Authentic power is a noun, verb and adjective.
As a noun…
Authentic power is the essence of our being. It emanates from Life as a universal energy, accessed with every breath. Like our essence of love, we carry this energy as our birthright. It comes from Self versus self. We are a conduit that streams this energy in service to Life. Marianne Williamson eloquently described human beings as lamps, with a cord that connects to an electricity Source. Our authentic power comes from this Source, however you define it. We are born with the capacity to “light up.” The question is, how often do we choose to plug in?
By virtue of being human, we all have the same potential to carry and express authentic power. Our hearts beat the same. So, if power is a universal, delta, Life-force energy, why do we experience varying degrees of power? Put another way, if authentic power originates from an inner fountain that never runs dry, how do we block the flow?
While it seems that people naturally want to harness their authentic power to fulfill on their purpose, many obstructions impede the current of energy. This can include trauma, low self-esteem, avoidance of self-responsibility, lack of clarity on values, procrastination, conflicting commitments, holding on to grievances, poor boundaries and victim consciousness. When we unblock our flow, and move into right relationship with self, our power once again surges. Great wisdom, love, passion and understanding streams forth. Every day, we choose to use our power as a source of corruption or a force for good. While accessing our power is an archetypal journey that knocks on everyone’s door, our choice is what determines our experience of power...and collaboration.
As a verb…
The expression of authentic power is the exercise of will in supporting self and others. It follows the energy of desire. With self-awareness, we are more apt to notice our desires and from where they come. We are well-served in questioning whether our desire comes from our ego personality or the guidance of our soul, the aspect within that is eternal.
If the desire we feel is aligned with our heart yearning and our soul’s destiny path, we become powerful co-creators with Life. When we exercise the will of our heart, we keep the big picture in mind while noticing the generosity of Life. If desire is rooted in our personality, it may be wise to loosen the clench of reactivity and attachment to outcome. Over attachment to desire is another way we block the flow. We can suffocate relationships, narrow our focus, react impulsively, constrict our joy and sabotage collaboration. If we become zealous to make things happen with our will, our actions may seem powerful to others but it’s blinding (and often limiting) to the doer. Non-attachment offers power, freedom, autonomy and greater choice.
As an adjective…
Authentic power is rooted in alignment. This alignment is felt and broadcasted when our thoughts, words and actions are in sync. On a deeper level, power alignment is experienced when our personality merges with our soul, our mind harmonizes with our heart, our masculine is in service to our feminine and our body is grounded in Earth. A feeling of unity, vitality and inner coherence ensues. Charisma springs forth as this quality of power produces a magnetic energy. When we are in this inner space of alignment, we are centered. We can sense it in our bones. Without a doubt, it’s an empowered feeling to experience alignment in having our inner parts operate in harmony. When we cultivate this quality of aligned power from the inside out, collaboration takes on a whole new vibration.
To align with power, calm the mind to better understand what’s happening within and around us. Pause, notice and validate our interior experience before discerning how power is being used or misused. If we lose inner power, notice where the leak is and how it shows up in our behavior. It’s important to not “collect” power per say but rather to continually let go and allow the energy to move through us. In strengthening our connection with our heart, we augment our power. We relate with greater honesty and self-trust. Others are given permission to follow suit. Essentially, the vision of authentic collaboration encourages us to come into right relationship with power.
Reflect on these questions in a journal or with a trusted partner:
· How do I strengthen and weaken my authentic power?
· How do I express my power and move my will into action?
· What is one way I can deepen my alignment with and live my heart truth?
To enhance your authentic power,
contact Bridges Global.
Elizabeth Soltis