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Bridge-Building: A Metaphor for Meaningful Connection


A bridge is a powerful metaphor for relationship-building and meaningful connection.

“Let’s build bridges, not walls.” Martin Luther King Jr. 

Since meaningful connection is a relationship bridge, let’s further inspect the metaphor of a bridge. As a universal symbol, a bridge epitomizes authentic collaboration. It spans a physical divide, linking two fixed points that may otherwise never meet. We too can learn how to affirm each other despite relational divides. 

The structure of a bridge connects seemingly disconnected parts, spanning that which separates. As such, a bridge is a powerful link that allows us to travel to new landscapes. Similarly in relationship, a bridge assists us to cross over and discover different perspectives, ideologies, personalities and ideas. Bridge-building reduces isolation, enabling us to join together in spite of differences. 

Just as all the parts of the bridge are necessary for the thoroughfare to be functional and strong, all aspects of self and others serve a purpose when collaborating. When we mistreat people, and burn the relational bridge, it takes a concerted effort to meet in the messy middle section to repair the relationship. In every culture, the bridge is a mighty symbol for connection and shared understanding.

A bridge is also the perfect symbol for reciprocity. From this space of give-and-take, the spirit of ayni or reciprocity can take root with its magical blend of mutual gain. We can learn to sit alongside each other to understand rather than confront with oppositional energy. On this passageway, we unite even when we are separated by the ground of our differences. 

Bridges remind us that we can join the far right and far left while finding a midpoint of balance. In so doing, an and-both conversation can unfold. We can step beyond our isolating positions and find a middle ground. With curiosity, a bridge signifies that new insights and learning are always on the horizon. 

Even though we’ve been educated to separate through things like body comparison, different learning styles, gender stereotypes and reward and punishment, a bridge can span this divide. What’s needed is courage to cross-over with an open heart. When we find ourselves in the crevasse of disagreements, mindful communication can still support connection. 

A bridge reminds us that unity is possible.

TRY THIS: Respond to these questions in a journal as a reflective, self-awareness exercise.

  • What do you see as your bridge-building strengths and growing edges?
  • How can you practice mindful bridge-building with someone you describe as “difficult?”
  • How can you serve as a connector when conflict arises?
  • From your perspective, what bridge-building behaviors are most important?

Contact us to further develop your team’s bridge-building skills.

Elizabeth Soltis

By ELIZABETH SOLTIS November 25, 2024
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