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Authentic Collaboration with Self, Others and Earth


We can expand our collaboration consciousness by valuing our relationship with self, others and Earth.

“[Because] all life is interrelated, we are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality; 

tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly affects all indirectly.”

Martin Luther King Jr.

As Albert Einstein taught, “No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.” In the context of authentic collaboration, expanding consciousness includes appreciating our relationship with self, other people and Earth. 

In our interconnected world, each relationship informs and affects the others. Even though we often do not collaborate by actively considering Earth, the natural world is in everything and everyone. By ramping up consciousness of all our relations, this holistic perspective alters both our path and the outcome of any collaboration. 

Authentic collaboration espouses an attitude of respect for self and others. Others includes Earth or Life. These words are used interchangeably because Earth is Life. Authentic collaboration is thereby a win-win-win holistic proposition. As a foundational ethic, it’s about valuing both humans and non-human beings. In the circle of Life, we are never outside the ring. With this awareness, even the effect of hierarchy can transform so that diverse voices are welcomed and held with care. Embodying this mindset brings the beauty and power of ayni or right relationship into our everyday life. 

Many of us narrow our focus to respect only important and immediate relationships. Family and friends are central in our world, ranking as a priority. In government and business, people at the so-called “top” are often given extra attention and support. We see those who wield financial wealth as having more power. What would it look like to expand respect to include strangers, neighbors and those who sit at the “bottom” of our social hierarchy? In the eyes of Life, we are all residents of Earth first and foremost. Dust to dust, we come from this terrestrial planet, and one day our bodies will return. Earth is the great equalizer. 

Since Earth is our constant source of sustenance, it serves us well to discern how we relate with her. When we deeply appreciate and immerse ourselves in nature, we elicit greater sensory awareness. We activate the wild wisdom within. By acknowledging the intricacy, richness and beauty of the natural world, we gain understanding about relationships overall. Beyond the self, Earth is an animated, sacred being, deserving of care for her own sake. Accordingly, the full human experience of collaboration ought to include consideration for all who carry the breath of Life. 

Taken further, consider that each aspect of self, others and Earth is a mirror to the other two. In the shamanic world, it is well-understood that our words and actions toward people are a projection of how we relate to self and Earth. Our relationships are but a reflection of how we think. When we change, people reflect that back to us with their behavior. In shifting our attitude, our outer circumstances begin to transform. Unwittingly, we produce an ongoing cycle of feedback. Every interaction is an opportunity to know ourselves more so. 

Ponder the following examples. If we feel cut off from our heart, this separation will, on some level, show up in how we relate to nature and to other people. We may find ourselves communicating from the neck up rather than bringing forth our full-body truth. If we power-over Earth in overconsuming her resources, we can see how this translates into collective patterns of oppression and force. Culturally, we see evidence of abuse, rejection and violence. And, we also notice micro-aggressions such as interrupting people, issuing commands or stuffing our feelings. I see these behaviors as different mirror facets. The looking glass reflects the wound of separation—within and between. 

Conversely, if we respect and understand the symbiosis of the natural world, we also bring this reciprocating energy to our relationships. When we advocate for our precious biodiversity, we take a stand for the value of all beings on Earth—including ourselves. In the system of Life, nothing exists in isolation. Our outer reality and inner subjective world are interwoven into the same fabric. Each relationship is a fractal image of the whole. 

With this in mind, the authentic collaboration bridge road has three lanes dedicated to self, others and Earth. It’s a holistic passageway. Consciously and unconsciously, we pass in and out of these lanes every day, as each one guides and sustains the others. In practicing authentic collaboration, each lane has the potential to generate a desirable outcome: the lane of self builds confidence, the lane of others engenders belonging and the lane of Earth brings forth harmony. As a way of enriching and uplifting all aspects of our lives, this three-lane journey is well worth exploring.

TRY THIS: In a journal, reflect on and respond to these questions:

  • How would you describe your relationship with yourself?
  • How do you nourish your relationship with Earth – your source?
  • How can you grow your relationship with others by deepening your heart connection with self and Earth?

Contact us to further develop your team’s collaboration skills.

Elizabeth Soltis


By ELIZABETH SOLTIS November 25, 2024
Inner coherence is the by-product of owning our authentic power.
A bridge is a powerful metaphor for relationship-building and meaningful connection.
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The word authenticity comes from the Greek word authentes , which means acting on one's own authority.
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