Collaboration Circles

Collaboration Circles

What are collaboration circles? 
Collaboration circles are an inviting way to honour all voices while meeting and problem-solving together. We blend ancient, Earth-based cultural roots with social science to re-ignite the beauty of collaborative dialogue. This is a safe space to re-think how we relate and practice mindful communication. By simply re-arranging the chairs, we offer a quantum leap forward in co-creating community. The hallmarks of collaboration circles are meaningful connection, authentic conversation, creative insights, inspired action and co-owned decisions. 

What is authentic collaboration?  
Authentic collaboration is a new paradigm intended to evolve how we relate to self, others and Earth. Each relationship reflects the other. It's about interacting with mutual respect, shared power, compassion and grounded wisdom. Together, let's step beyond conventional collaboration and relate with mindful communication.

Authentic collaboration inspires and enables people to;
* Bring more of who they are to the conversation.
* Sync up mind intelligence with heart compassion.
* Speak courageously and deeply listen while responding to differences with respect. 
* Celebrate individual uniqueness alongside interdependence.

Benefits of Collaboration Circles

 For Organizations...

  • Teams re-imagine the future from a creative space with shared purpose.
  • People discover their strengths and express their gifts.
  • Teams co-create safety to have crucial conversations & reconcile differences.  
  • Teams unpack resistance to change, make difficult decisions and build trust.
  • Staff explore system solutions when collaborating across functions.

For Universities...

For Communities...

  • This adaptive process is suitable for any context, audience and desired result.
  • Groups celebrate, mourn and transition with compassion and curiosity.
  • People in different sectors build bridges 
    to innovate together.
  • Circles generate awareness, story-telling,  expanded perspective and Earth wisdom. 
  • Shared understanding is cultivated between disciplines, cultures, generations.
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